Why do men so blindly seek
for pleasure and for gain,
daily striving here and there,
for things that are vain?
"Not enough, I must have
more," seems their only thought.
Never are they satisfied,
though all this is for naught.
Some like to watch while others
lose, and win the day's race,
desiring fame or fortune
that awaits them at First Place.
Others covet things they
want through envy, lust, or greed,
and go about to get these
things–things they do not need.
If shelter, clothes, and food
you have, why lust for profit so?
Why not be thankful you are
well, and let the other go?
For there are those around
you who are suffering and poor,
to whom the goodness you've
been shown would mean so much more.
Remember then from where you
came, and know now where you stand,
and thank the One who gave
to you, in His love and from His hand,
all good things you now enjoy,
that you thought you had achieved,
for by His grace, and not
your works, this goodness you received.
"What?" you say in disbelief,
"These things I surely bought.
On my own and by myself I
get the things I want.
No one helped or gave to
me; it was my own hands,
and what I have I got myself.
Can't you understand?"
So by chance, you were born,
and now live today,
and as for all you are and
have, it just turned out that way?
Safe and warm, without a
fear, with much prosperity,
you look around and do not
know what your eyes can't see?
Ponder now your current state
and all that you possess,
and tell me that by your
great strength you made yourself so blessed.
From where came opportunities
that led you on your way,
and how could chance have
given you all you have today?
If you still do not believe
that thankful you should be,
I know of something He has
made, a wondrous work indeed,
That though neglected and
rejected, abandoned and ignored,
the Holy Bible shows the
way that you can be reborn.

God weaves a beauteous tapestry
to hang on Heaven's starry
Each silver cord which binds
us here
will hold angelic hosts in
The lovely moments of our
are there for all eternity,
each act of charity bestowed,
in saintly generosity.
The widow's mite shines brightly
by love transmuted to gleaming
dark prisons that once held
tortured souls
as ivory palaces the saints
The miser's hoard is not seen
nor curses of earth's shameful
but healing love forgiving
wrongs --
Samaritans relieving scars.
The sacred crowns are woven
for arriving saints in awe
to see,
the crowning of each holy
each triumphant biography.
Sue Cody
Copyright © 2003